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Friday, March 11, 2011


Leibham among Republican senators receiving death threats

This note was Found under State Sen. Glenn Grothman’s office door yesterday

State Sens. Joe Leibham and Glenn Grothman

Death Threats Have Come To: Sen.Kapanke; Sen.Darling; Sen.Cowles; Sen.Ellis; Sen.Fitzgerald; Sen.Galloway; Sen.Grothman; Sen.Harsdorf; Sen.Hopper; Sen.Kedzie; Sen.Lasee; Sen.Lazich; Sen.Leibham; Sen.Moulton; Sen.Olsen Subject: Atten: Death threat!!!! Bomb!!!!

Governor Scott Walker has had death threats.

Republicans Senators death threats by email

And the latest is this note above shoved under their doors.

State Sens. Joe Leibham and Glenn Grothman confirmed Thursday they were among the Republican senators who received a death threat in the wake of a vote to eliminate most collective bargaining rights for public workers.

The threat was sent in an e-mail late Wednesday with the subject, “Death threat!!!! Bomb!!!!” according to a copy of the letter released by Grothman’s office.

Grothman, R-West Bend, said the e-mail is the latest example of “a new height in incivility.” He said in recent weeks he has received obscene phone calls at all hours of the night, been jostled at the Capitol and been shouted down during interviews.

“This is another example of the anger which is being spewed by the government unions,” Grothman said. “This has been all about intimidating, be it the death threats, the screaming in the face, the late night phone calls or the recalls, this has been all about trying to intimidate Republican legislators into bowing to the public unions, and it has only steeled our resolve.”

Grothman said he is hesitant to completely disregard the threat given the volatile atmosphere in Madison. A note shoved under his door Wednesday night said, “The only good Republican is a dead Republican.”

“There’s certainly been angry people around this Capitol who wanted to hit me, so I wouldn’t put anything by this sort of crowd,” Grothman said.

Leibham, of Sheboygan, said the threat came to him via e-mail as well, and his staff contacted law enforcement agencies at the Capitol and in Madison.

“We’ve been getting a lot of e-mail throughout the entire four-week process,” Leibham said. “I think (the threat) was sent to at least eight if not all 18 senators who voted for the bill last evening. I’m not making a real big deal out of it … I’m confident they will look into it and hopefully determine if there’s any seriousness to the threat.”

The letter tells lawmakers to “make your peace with God as soon as possible and say goodbye to your loved ones,” warning they will be killed “due to your actions in the last eight weeks.”

The letter, which is signed, says the writer is working with a group of people and knows where the legislators live. It says legislators may be shot in their homes or killed with bombs placed at locations they frequent.

“We feel that you and the people that support the dictator have to die,” the letter reads. “If you and your goonies feel that it’s necessary to strip the rights of 300,000 people and ruin their lives, making them unable to feed, clothe, and provide the necessities to their families and themselves then We Will ‘get rid of’ (in which I mean kill) you.”

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